One Year Anniversary of blog!!!! Praise God!!

This is to all the people that have been with me and following my blog throughout the year, and I am thankful for your encouragement and support and knowing that life has its twists and turns and knowing that there is a purpose to this blog, that is beyond my comprehension, and as I follow the Holy Spirit and His promptings, and even when I fail I am thankful to all the people who follow and I appreciate your encouragement and support.  The Body of Christ bloggers is a community of believers that fulfills the requirements of being ligaments and sinews building up the Church, where the Church lacks.  It crosses denominational and cultural bounds, but what it lacks in tangible human connections it makes up for in heart, so I am thankful for you guys that have been with me throughout this journey.


I want to make a special mention to dedicated blog followers and/or supporters –


W.I.S.E. Junction

Saved by Grace

And all the other ones who have been there with me, we are all one Body of Christ, and we are all there to help each other out and you are not forgotten in your efforts, but for the sake of time and lack of being able to find the names, which have been there to help me on a regular basis I have limited to just a few.  I know there are many many people that have come across my way, which I am truly thankful and encouraged to know that I have been a blessing and changed lives.

Good News, even if you don’t have the ability to read the Bible, the Holy Spirit, will bring into remembrance, the things, which you need to know and share and post of the Bible, even if He has to keep you up until 1 AM to share it!!!:):):)




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