
What the life of Martin Luther, Christians, and Ecclesiastes all have in common

I have been skimming through the works of Martin Luther that is sitting on my coffee table.  As I writer I see myself getting into similar issues, and I am sure that we Christians have faced obstacles and challenges of the same kind at some point.  After the vast digest of reading, which I also glanced and skimmed over, since I’m not a big reader, but I love to write is that – we need to be careful what we do say because even in Luther’s errors, led to tremendous tragedy.  Words have more power than you think.  Life and death is in the power of the spoken and written word, and honestly this whole time people have not changed at all.  People are exactly the same, which is why I am really beginning to understand the depth that is found in Ecclesiastes where Solomon pretty much says, “There is nothing new under the sun” and basically saying people have not changed.  What’s more revealing is Solomon’s revelation just “Fear God, and Obey His Commandments.”  It makes me wonder what impact the book of Ecclesiastes had on Luther as he was translating and interpreting it.  He was a poet by nature, so sometimes at some level, the poems at their base level maybe better understood.  I find my life and my works in many ways mirroring that of Luther, but I still choose to believe that my latter days are better than my past.  As a Church, we need to look back at history.

What I have come to learn is that life really is all about Jesus Christ.  It’s all about Him.  He created the Word, both spoken and written.  He also says choose life not death.  The task is not easy, but we are all challenged with that.

A few recommended readings –

Out of the Storm by Derek Wilson

The Life of Martin Luther by Schofield


Some learn by Bible College

Some learn by School of Hard Knocks

Some learn by the Word of God
We can spend hours and hours studying to know doctrines, and such , but at the end of the day – do we have a relationship the Person of Jesus Christ, which is more important.