Prophetic Word for the Season

As the nation waits for a President, and the world is in turmoil and how the body of Christ is in trials and tribulations…there is a Word for the Season of “Turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the hearts of the children back to the fathers.”

1 Timothy 2 says –

2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am speaking the truth in Christ[a] and not lying—a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Men here applies to men and women as the term mankind.  I believe there is a reason why there is such spiritual battle going on around.  These are the birth pangs, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and we need to be ready for Jesus Christ to come home soon.  Some of you may be going through hard circumstances and trials and tribulations and that is because the kings, Presidents and Leaders of the nations need to be prayed for.  Have you ever wondered why the nation is suffering as much as it is right now.  How many of us Church have prayed, I too being guilty of this as often for our President, instead we do all the name calling and pointing fingers, but the Bible clearly says we are to pray over our kings.  How else can they lead a nation?  We must pray for all leaders everywhere so that they may come to the knowledge of the Truth, and their salvation, even though the times that we are in and expecting to see Jesus coming soon, but the time is coming and everything is accelerating.  People are being called into lives of holiness and sanctification to be ready for the King when He comes.  We no longer want to be outer court people.  This takes more time reading the Word and more time praying and interceding.   Do not neglect the calling to pray for a revival even when times are difficult because we need a revival in this last days.  We need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that the saints can preach the Gospel with power.  The word for the season is to turn the heart of the fathers back to the children and the children back to the fathers so that this generation who has a calling and is the last generation before Christ comes, can finish the work of the preaching of the Gospel.  Yes we may have long term dreams, visions, and plans, and we must be prepared for Jesus coming soon.  We must not neglect our calling, dear blog evangelists, and even if we’re not that skilled in the Word we must not forsake our calling.  We must persist and endure, and be weary of what we preach.  This generation is a generation that is lost and  hurting, in frustration and deceived and lost in the cares of the world, and Jesus is the answer to their salvation.  The problem the Church is facing is that people once they are saved the they have a one way ticket to heaven without any troubles, and that’s not what Jesus promises in His Word.  In His Word He says, “In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.”

Fathers need to take their position and lead by godly example and children need to obey their fathers.  We’re talking about earthly fathers as well as spiritual fathers.   Time is getting shorter so it is time to step to the plate.  We can have future plans but we must respect that time that we are in and watch for the signs of His coming, and we must pray and most of all take up courage and endure.  We might be caught in difficult circumstances, but the hope is that if we pray then things can change.  The Word of God says that if “a nation changes its mind and repents, then God will remove it’s judgment from them.’  Even if we do not have that much knowledge of the Bible, or have been caught up in the snares of religiousness, we must remember that we have a duty and calling to preach the Gospel without fear and bear the cost whatever that might be.
The Gospel is that Jesus died to save us from our sins and that He rose again and He loves us passionately and He comes to redeem us from the darkness that surrounds us.  We must be quick to repent and we must pray like never before.  Whenever one member of the body of Christ is hurting they are all hurting.
Heavenly Father,

We come before you and we repent for our neglecting to pray and to read Your Word, and we come before You and seek Your face for this is the season for seeking Your face, and for knowing You and going to the Next Level.  Prepare our hearts before You and circumcise our hearts an purge our hearts and our consciences of all sin, and remove all iniquity from before us, and like with the tares remove all the deceptive lies and twisted doctrines, false teaching from before us and help us to grow in the unity and likeness of you.  Help us to be bold and courageous to speak Your Word without fear.  Help us to live godly examples, and to help deliver us.  Pour out Your Spirit upon us so that we may have signs, miracles, and wonders, and most of all a transformed heart so that people may go and believe that You sent us and that we may be a testimony.  Help strengthen our faith and speak with courage and to endure these times of trouble as was never seen before.  Help prepare America for Presidential Election and the nation for the Election.  Give wisdom to the leaders in Israel.  Speak to Your People and align us with Your Holy Spirit and let the latter rain fall down so we may experience the power, of the Holy Spirit among mankind.  Help us to grow in You in Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen.

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